As a member of our community, you are rewarded with excusive discounts and benefits in selected stores.

Benefits available in store,
located in 80 Jean Louis Calderon Street, Bucharest

Benefits available in store,
located in 23-25 Ion Brezoianu Street, Bucharest

Benefits available in showroom,
located in 49 Grigore Gafencu Street, Bucharest

Benefits available in store,
located in Baneasa Shopping City, Bucharest

Benefits available in store,
located in Baneasa Shopping City, Bucharest

Benefits available in store,
located in Baneasa Shopping City, Bucharest

Benefits available in store,
located in Baneasa Shopping City, Bucharest

Benefits available online

* Please note that you will benefit of these rewards only after the purchase of one of The Fine Line’s styling services